
AlertUR是大学的紧急通知系统. In the event of an emergency, alerts are sent to the University community by phone call, text message, or email. 所有学生和员工都会自动注册他们的大学电子邮件地址. 您可以使用您的NetID登录系统,选择提供其他联系信息.

Blackboard (Learning Management System) – For Faculty & Instructors

Blackboard是该大学的学习管理系统,为教师和讲师提供了一个管理课程内容的地方, collect student assignments, facilitate online tests, and more. 它还提供了许多可用于教学的技术工具.

Cloud Computing for Non-Research

UR-sponsored cloud services for faculty, 员工和部门包括基础设施即服务(IaaS)和平台即服务(PaaS),通过微软Azure和AWS. 请咨询您当地的IT人员,了解您所在单位或部门的云使用情况. 我们也可以就技术选择进行咨询.

Cloud Computing for Research

集成澳门威尼斯人网上赌场计算中心(CIRC)支持ur赞助的云服务(Azure) & AWS)和本地高性能计算(HPC)用于澳门威尼斯人网上赌场. Services include centralized billing, UR-negotiated price discounts, training, trouble-shooting, 和定制的解决方案,以方便您的计算澳门威尼斯人网上赌场需求.

Electronic File Management (OnBase)

OnBase集成了文档管理、工作流处理和记录管理. It allows you to scan, store, index, and retrieve any paper documents, emails, multimedia, and many other types of files.

General Encumbrance Management System (URGEMS)

URGEMS是一个通用的产权负担管理工具,用于跟踪和管理UR金融系统的交易细节, for both grant and non-grant accounts.

Human Resource Management System (HRMS)

人力资源管理系统(HRMS)允许您访问工资表, benefits, and recruiting information. 它还通过安装在许多大学工作场所的Kronos时钟支持教职员工和学生的计时和出勤跟踪.

Institutional Data Definitions (Business Glossary)

业务术语表为与临床相关的机构数据提供权威定义, administrative, research, and instructional activities. Data Cookbook在线提供术语表,并提供一个与数据专家和用户交流的论坛. 这一中心资源在整个大学的报告和系统中创造了可靠性和一致性.

Institutional Data Reporting (Cognos)

Cognos提供拖放式报表构建功能,用于汇总和组织来自数据仓库的机构数据. Cognos工具包括Query Studio、Workspace Advanced和Report Studio.

Institutional Data Visualization (Tableau)

Tableau允许用户通过使用交互式控件对数据进行“视觉感知”, such as filters and parameters, a user can see various aspects of a data set. 它可以作为桌面应用程序或有限的web界面应用程序使用. 桌面应用程序可通过大学IT购买(点击下面的请求按钮).

Integrated Online Research Administration (IORA)

IORA是一套全面的软件解决方案,能够管理各种澳门威尼斯人网上赌场功能. 该系统取代了以前的拨款数据库UR-Coeus. 它是所有资助和未资助赠款协议的存储库. IORA是一个更大的,机构范围的澳门威尼斯人网上赌场管理系统现代化计划的一部分.

Integration Platform (Boomi)

The integration platform allows users to build, deploy, and manage integrations between databases, applications, 以及软件即服务(software-as-a-service),无论是在本地还是在云端. 该平台可用于自助集成开发, or University IT offers integration development services.

Parking Management System



Piazza is a free, online gathering place where students can ask, answer, and explore 24/7, under the guidance of their instructors. 学生和教师都可以回答问题,促进健康的合作讨论.

Quality Assurance

大学IT可以帮助你进行质量保证(QA)和应用程序测试. QA services include test strategy and planning, use case identification, exploratory testing, manual testing, automated testing, and browser emulation.

Reporting and Analytics (Institutional Data Warehouse)

大学IT会就报告工具和资源的使用与你进行咨询, data gathering processes, proof-of-concept reporting, visualization creation, data analysis, and access to University data marts.

Space Management System (URSpace)

URSpace跟踪大学的物理空间利用率和设备库存, including who is assigned to a space, its square footage, and active equipment.

Talent Management System (MyPath)

MyPath is a companion system to HRMS. It brings together performance management, employee learning and development, competency assessments, and career planning into one suite of tools. MyPath目前可供医疗中心员工和中央行政部门的部分员工使用. 教职员工和其他员工将于明年开始使用MyPath.

Timekeeping System (Kronos)



UKG是一个基于云的劳动力管理工具,用于支持调度和计时流程. 在FF Thompson, UKG被用于计时、基本和高级调度. 许多单位在强和高地使用UKG先进调度与更多的计划在未来.

United Way Reporting


University-wide Research Resources

Researchers require technical assistance, aid with grant writing, 了解大学和澳门威尼斯人网上赌场的政策和资源,可以通过他们的部门, school or center. 主管澳门威尼斯人网上赌场的副校长办公室有一份广泛的澳门威尼斯人网上赌场资源清单和与拨款要求直接相关的指导的最新信息.

UR Budget (Axiom)

UR Budget (Axiom)支持预算开发和预测作为预算流程的一部分.

UR Faculty

UR Faculty是澳门威尼斯人网上赌场的教师信息系统. This tool was designed to streamline workflows, improve data quality, and ensure consistency across the schools and units. It is broken down into four modules:
• Faculty Search
• Appointment Management
• Review, Promotion & Tenure
• Faculty Activity Data


ursecupay允许院系通过大学网站安全地接受信用卡支付. 资金可以收集商品和服务,费用和捐赠给大学.

Virtual Desktop

虚拟桌面允许您通过Internet连接到软件应用程序或Windows桌面环境, from anywhere and any device.