

企业家Yohay Wakabayashi 10岁, ’11S (MS) shares some of his favorite things to do in one of the world’s top destinations for culture and cuisine.

Maison ROCOCO Corporation Founder and CEO Yohay Wakabayashi poses for a photograph in at Sensoji Temple on Wednesday, 2月. 2023年28日,东京. (

HOMMAGE TO TOKYO: Japan’s capital is experiencing a culinary heyday, with cornucopias of tasty street food and more Michelin-rated restaurants in 2023 than Paris and New York combined. Hommage就是其中之一, 顺便说一下, you can sample Wakabayashi’s Rococo Tokyo White—Japan’s first luxury beer.

Visitors love the Tokyo’s temples, shrines, and gardens. They savor its sushi, noodles, yakitori, and many culinary delights. And they soak up the city’s museums, nightlife, and shopping opportunities. For American tourists, it’s an ideal time to visit, 太, says Yohay Wakabayashi ' 10, ’11S (MS).

“The US dollar is very strong in Japan right now—the strongest it’s been in years—making it much more affordable for people to travel here,若林说, who frequently meets up with alumni and friends from the US. “I recommend that people visit now to experience all that Tokyo has to offer.”

Planning a visit and only have three days? Here’s how Wakabayashi—one of about 500 Rochester alumni in Japan—recommends you spend your time.


放在砧板上的生虾从原宿开始你的旅程, a vibrant part of the city that’s full of vintage stores, 街头艺术, 还有年轻的活力. Then, head to the Omotesando—a sophisticated area often referred to as Tokyo’s Champs-Elysee. Shop for souvenirs like tenugui (Japanese hand towels), 和(日本纸), 陶器, 纺织品, 还有茶道用品. Consider visiting the Ukiyo-e Ota Museum to admire traditional woodblock prints and the Nezu Museum of Fine Art, which houses a large collection of pre-modern Japanese and East Asian art and features a traditional Japanese garden.

然后去参观明治神社. It’s a religious and cultural icon dedicated to modern Japan’s first emperor and empress. The shrine and its adjacent Yoyogi Park are nestled inside a 170-acre urban forest, 哪个是120人的家,000 trees and offers a respite from the city. “Visit here and you’ll forget you are in the heart of Tokyo,若林说.

吃晚饭, Wakabayashi recommends Nishiazabu Taku for Edomae (Tokyo-style) sushi. “Sushi was created in Tokyo, so it is best experienced authentically in its birthplace,他补充道. “The chef prepares the sushi and presents it to you—it’s a very special experience.”


A piece of beef on a blue and white plate with some green salad on the side 探索 traditional Tokyo in the Asakusa district. Start with a visit to the Tokyo Skytree, 世界上最高的塔, and take in a 360-degree view of the city. Then, wander through some of Asakusa’s craft 商店. Pick up local items like as yukata (an informal style of kimono) and hashi (chopsticks). 尝试一些街头小吃, 太, 比如煎饺, 烤鸡肉串(烤, 那个鸡), and taiyaki (fish-shaped snacks filled with sweet bean paste). Later, visit the Sensoji Temple, the oldest temple in Tokyo.

After a day of sightseeing, dine at Hommage, a two-star Michelin restaurant in Asakusa. The chef “blends modern French cuisine with authentic Japanese fare,若林说, calling dining there “an unforgettable experience.”


白色碗里的日本菜在西东京度过最后一天. 在中目黑散步, a trendy neighborhood along the Meguro River that offers many taprooms, 咖啡馆, 商店, 画廊, 和博物馆. 从那里出发,探索附近的代官山. 绿树成荫, pedestrian-only streets are packed with boutiques, 露天餐馆, 高档建筑. 探索 the stylish Tsutaya Daikanyama bookstore, 太. “Be sure to go up to the second floor where you can enjoy a drink in a stylish lounge surrounded by rare vintage Japanese magazines,他补充道, noting that his beer—Rococo Tokyo White—is served there.

吃晚饭, 去经营, 西麻布的怀石料理餐厅, which features a traditional multicourse menu with wagyu (high-end Japanese beef ) as its signature item. Wakabayashi adds that Tokyo, in addition to being known for its sushi, is famous for wagyu. Time-permitting, take in a theatrical performance at the Kabuki-za in the trendy Ginza area nearby.

Maison ROCOCO Corporation Founder and CEO Yohay Wakabayashi poses for a photograph in Restaurant Hommage on Wednesday, 2月. 2023年28日,东京. (Tomohiro Ohsumi/AP Images for Rochester Review)


Yohay Wakabayashi ' 10, ’11S (MS) was born in Japan and spent 11 years in the US attending junior high, 高中, 和大学. 在澳门威尼斯人网上赌场, he majored in economics and stayed on to earn a master’s degree in strategic marketing at the 西蒙的业务 School. He also was a top scorer on the squash team.

Wakabayashi is a cofounder and CEO of Maison Rococo, which brews and markets Japan’s first luxury beer under the Rococo Tokyo White brand name (rococotokyo.com) and is available in restaurants, luxury hotels and ryokan in Japan, Taiwan, and Singapore.

Wakabayashi credits Rochester for helping him develop an entrepreneurial mindset, 学会欣赏人际关系, 培养他强烈的职业道德. “澳门威尼斯人网上赌场教会我永不放弃, 教会了我勇气, and gave me the skills to achieve my goals,他说.


有10多个,在美国以外生活的校友有5000人, the University offer networking groups in Japan, 加拿大, 智利, 中国, 法国, 德国, 关岛和印度尼西亚, 危地马拉, 香港, 印度, 意大利, 韩国, 巴拉圭, 西班牙, 台北, 以及英国和爱尔兰. 了解更多.

Tomohiro Ohsumi/AP images for the 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场 (Wakabayashi); courtesy of Maison Rococo (food)

— Kristine Kappel Thompson, Rochester Review, Spring 2024